Let the dragon consume you?

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blazing red flames over water
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"What happened?""A dragon."
Dragon:The Cannibal
Last Rider:None
Temperament:Wild dragon
Blood Record
SIRE HOUSE: Velaryon - Laenor
DAM HOUSE: Targaryen - Rhaenyra
BIRTHRITE: Secondborn - Princess

" By the testimony of Mushroom the fool, the Velaryon girl was unlike any of her siblings. While Strong 'Baratheon' genes from their grandmother prevailed in the others, Aemma's eyes shone with violet, her hair with dragon silver. It was said that she was a perfect picture of Aemma Arryn, for whom she was named."

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Aemond and the Pig

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The Song of Sycorax

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Veiled By Celtigars

targareyen crest "house targaryen - fire and blood -"
Rhaenyra Velaryon nÊe Targaryen - MOTHER , Harwin Strong - FATHER (suspected) , Jacaerys Velaryon - ELDER BROTHER , Lucerys Velaryon - YOUNGER BROTHER , Joffrey Velaryon - YOUNGEST BROTHER , Daemon Targaryen - GREAT UNCLE/STEPFATHER , Baela Targaryen - COUSIN , Rhaena Targaryen - COUSIN , Aerion Targaryen - COUSIN , Vaeylon Velaryon - FIRST COUSIN ONCE REMOVED/LEGITIMISED HALF BROTHER , Viserys I Targaryen - MATERNAL GRANDFATHER , Aegon Targaryen - MATERNAL UNCLE , Helaena Targaryen - MATERNAL AUNT , Aemond Targaryen - MATERNAL UNCLE , Daeron Targaryen - MATERNAL UNCLE .........

Rhaenyra's only daughter...

" Targaryen children were the tears of the Gods, Mushroom recalls the people of Westeros agreeing. Beautiful and rare and born with more power in their blood than smallfolk will ever know in their lifetimes. Princess Aemma was no different. Coveted like gold by her mother, Aemma was held as firm 'proof' of her fidelity to Laenor Velaryon amidsts a sea of dark hair and silent questions that hung around her brothers like a thick fog.
She was the daughter her mother always wanted, and after a year of the court holding its collective breath to see that this beloved child would not befall the same fate as her would-be uncle, Baelor, the girl was finally allowed to leave her mother's embrace and clamber around the royal chambers with her elder brother Jacaerys.
When Lucerys and later Joffrey were born, it became ever more apparent that Aemma was the odd one out and whether they meant to or not, everyone around her treated her as such. Since roughing around with her brothers was unsuitable behaviour for a Princess, Aemma found herself occupied in other ways. She was the last of her siblings to master common speech but took an eager grasp of Valyrian and liked very much to repeatedly bark short dragon commands at anyone close enough. Her needlework was neat but often depicted horrific scenes of dragons burning anyone who had offended her that day.
But the thing she loved most of all was her dragon egg. From the day she was old enough to pick it up, she was scarce seen without it. This was not to say she was gentle to it, far from it, as Mushroom's memory serves. Every day presented itself with a new opportunity for her to try and bash the thing open. Though Rhaenyra tried to teach her patience - Rhaenyra was ever patient and always had time for her daughter's peculiarities - it seemed Aemma was all the more eager to see it opened so that she might have a dragon of her own like all her brothers. Having seen her toss the thing from the highest point of both the Red Keep and Dragonstone at least thrice apiece, once leaving a visiting squire with a terrible concussion, Mushroom admits to his gladness that the egg was later declared dead and never to hatch into what he theorised would become a very topsy turvy dragon."

... Never to accede the crown.

" Mushroom fondly dictated how the young Princess would spend her time roaming the shores of Dragonstone, collecting periwinkles and iridescent shells that caught her eye, her smile ever widening with each shiny prize in her pocket. Indeed the further she strayed from her mother's council room, the happier she became.
It became a sort of game to her, to see how far she could trek into the encroaching darkness before her handmaid caught up to her and she was frogmarched back to the keep. Often her return was met with her mother's stern admonishment but who could blame her ? After the incident with that dragon, there was not a soul in the castle without at least an ounce of concern for her wellbeing. Nor was there a soul without sympathy for her when she left the council room with a black expression of marked disgust. Creatures like her did not belong in council rooms, but then where could she belong? Perhaps there was once a place for her kind in the ancient halls of old Valyria, but that place was long gone by now.
All agreed, whether spoken of or not, that it was a sign of the Targaryen godliness that had allowed Aemma to live this long. She had neither the mind for politics nor the arts, nor by many accounts even the simplest thought. Ladies in waiting longed for the end of their tenure, for any conversation with the Princess was brief, abrupt, and of little consequence - a description none too far from her very nature - and great pity was felt towards her younger brother, Joffrey, to whom she was to wed. It would be a dull marriage on his end and one barely noticed on hers.
Mushroom notes that he himself never carried such prejudice towards the Princess as she had found much amusement in his services over the years and in his self proclaimed wisdom, he asserted that all Targaryens had the minds of dragons interwoven with the minds of men, Aemma's simply had a more precarious mix.
Like him, she was privy to the many secrets of the royal family, spoken freely in her presence for it was believed she did not have the capability to retain them. Mushroom did not share such foolish assumptions and claims to have caught her giggling to herself over scandelous gossip many a time."